Learn To Build A Notary Multi-Service Agency! Change Your Life, Finances, & Time On A Shoe-String Budget!
Notary Prosperity Academy is the LAST course you will ever need to start lucrative paying side hustles to generate multiple streams of income! Typically sells for $2997. $1297 New Years Special (payments plans available)
"I've been a notary for years, I had no idea these kind of opportunities existed!!! This course is worth 10X what they're charging for it."
- Timothy Burnside

"I'm so glad I invested in this training. My job was relocating, and I needed something fast. Here I am 3 months later, a prosperous small business owner."
- Michael Knudsen

"It's amazing how much money you can make with the right information. Can't say enough good things about Mark & Grace's program. They overdeliver!"
- Cindy Anders
With insane gas prices, hyper-inflation and a looming recession the need to shift gears is upon us...
Do you feel the need to secure some additional revenue streams? Do you dread Monday mornings, the daily grind, or having a boss altogether?
We can help bridge the gap between reality and your ideal lifestyle!
You can have extra 'fun' money. You can get away for a weekend or two, or three! You can start a home based business on a shoe-string budget that will reap huge rewards!
We have done it. We will show exactly step-by-step how we live a 6-figure lifestyle working only part-time from home.
No boss. No alarm clock. No meetings. No time-clock to punch. No stress.
We did it all while raising 4 kids, not missing any school schedules, church, or family functions. It all started with a simple notary stamp you can get in most parts of the country within a couple of hours!
This is The Last Course You'll Ever Have To Buy...
#1 JUMP START YOUR BUSINESS All The Info You Need To Start A Mobile Notary Business That Pays Over $200 +HOUR.
You'll Know Exactly Where To Go & What To Do.
✔️1-2-3 Step Process that is TURN KEY!
✔️ How to Maximize Your Notary Commission!
✔️How To Get In-Demand Clients With NO PAID ADS!
✔️Super Easy Process To Get Your Business Up And Running ASAP
✔️Step-By-Step Instructions, Videos, & Loads Of PDF's
✔️ A 6-Figure Home-Based Business, Less Than $1000 Start-Up Costs
✔️Downloadable Resources. Actual Hiring Company CONTRACTS!
✔️Learn What NOT To Do. We Spill The Beans On Costly Mistakes, YOU DON'T HAVE TO!
✔️Best & Worst Place To List Your Services
✔️ Be More Than A Loan Signing Agent, Become A 6-Figure Notary Entrepreneur!

Signing Service Vendors, The Best Platforms & Directories To Get Connected With!
✔️Hiring Companies Separated In Order From The Most Important, To The Least. So You Don't Waste Time!
✔️Hyperlinks Directly To The Biggest, Best Hiring Firms, Nationwide Title & Escrow Companies
✔️Over 425 Signing Vendors To Get Connected With (Worth the Price Of The Course, Alone!)
✔️ Market to TITLE & LAW FIRMS with tested/proven email drip campaigns! No Cold Calling Needed!
✔️Over 2500 Title/Escrow Contacts, And How To Best Connect With Them For BIG TICKET APPOINTMENTS
✔️Use Our Exact Price Sheets, Invoice Templates, Resume Style & Email Responders
✔️Where To Get The Best Prices On Equipment & Supplies
✔️Files, Links, Data, Connections, Info & 'Tricks' that Have Taken Us Years To Accumulate

How To Stand Out Above Competition and Out Rank Them On Google Maps Listings!
✔️How To Follow Up & Keep Generating Repeat Business On Auto-Pilot
✔️The Most Cost Effective, & Time Effective Marketing Methods For These Business Models
✔️Easy To Start Side Hustles That Compliment Your Business, So You'll never worry about having a slow week. We Give You The Keys, Ready To GO!
✔️Upselling & Cross Selling Additional Services Without Even Trying. You Can Add Up-To $500/Week In Revenue Easily
✔️Marketing & Branding Simplified. Social Profiles That Create More Revenue. Social Media Habits That Attract Even More Clients, Effortlessly!
✔️Cheat Sheets To Avoid Common Mistakes On Docs. You Can Confidently Perform Closings Flawlessly. Get The money & Go Back Home To Relax!
✔️How To Start A Notary Multi Service Agency Or Signing Service Company (like ours).

*Enrollment limited to 30 students/month, (we sell out every month, early) don't miss out! What else is included in this 1-of-a-kind course...
This course includes more than a dozen value-packed video tutorials making learning easier than ever before. Live links. Short cuts. Avoid wasting time and money!
Our course is ever-expanding. As we develop new methods, connections, and resources...SO.DO.YOU!
✅Action Plan Success Check List (The Ultimate Notary Mentor Itinerary). Just Follow Along & Succeed!
✅Over 80+ Downloadable Files
✅ Over 7 Hours Of Video Tutorials
✅ My Exact Email Drip Campaign Scripts!
💥💥Our EXCLUSIVE Web 2.0 Module JUST ADDED! We Show You How To
Drop a NUKE on Your Local Market, Smoke The Competition In A FEW Chess Moves!💥💥
Other 'Notary Courses' just teach loans, hand over a small list of vendors...and you hope for the best. They have a tunnel-vision course that we feel is non-sustainable.
They Depend On A Good Economy, Rates & Markets. What we teach, doesn't!
☑️We teach how to get additional complimentary revenue: field inspection vendors, apostille services, surplus funds recovery, mediation, process server and more!
☑️Download complete informational BONUS modules to offer turn-key up-sales:
*Credit Repair Course ($97 Value)
* Apostille Agent Training ($97 Value)
* Email Marketing Done Easy ($97 Value)
*Fingerprinting Module ($197 Value)
*SEO & Digital PPC Marketing ($197 Value)
*Legal Document Preparation Training ($497 Value):
Teaches Estate Documents, Immigration, Bankruptcy, & A Few Extras!
....and a few "hidden treasure side hustles".
☑️Discounts on Supplies & Resources. We set up deals, and show you where to get the best prices on all the necessary components of this business!
***You'll literally save more than the cost of this course with our vendor deals, short-cuts & loop-holes!
☑️My personal list of connections. That's right referrals right from us!!!
That's right, you'll get $1500 in bonuses inside this course!
✅YouTube Automation & Google Programmatic SEO Tricks & Training NOBODY Is Willing To Show You.
***P.S. This stuff works on ANY business. You can actually offer organic marketing to other businesses ($1200 Value)! I'm actually showing you a whole new business you can exploit.
It cost us thousands $$$ to learn, and we have high end clientele (Docs, Lawyers, Insurance Agents) that pay thousands for us to teach them.
✅Weekly Group Virtual Coaching. We Typically Charge $200+ per 30min. Session!
✅Dozens Of "Boiler-Plate" Forms You'll Need For Daily Operations. ($175 Value)
✅A FREE Copy Of Our 2 Best-Selling Book "A Golden Pen" & "A Digital Pen".
*Warning: Set Aside A Portion Of All The Cash You Are Making For Taxes*

$700 IN ADDITIONAL BONUSES (Only If You Enroll Today)
✔ How to have clientele & customers salivating to send you referrals with incentivized vouchers & giveaways that cost you nearly nothing!
✔ Access to my personal swipe files of the EXACT ad copies I use to generate clientele on multiple platforms including FaceBook, YouTube, Bandit Signs & Even Craig's List!
✔ Shout-out to your local business on our podcast "The Notary Ninja Show"! Which run weekly episodes on live radio, Amazon, Spotify, Apple. IHeart Radio & Google Podcasts.
✔ Generate Multiple revenue sources & leads helping existing clients, friends, and family retrieve unclaimed property and missing money as a notary.
✔ Access to All 50 States Notary Training Manuals On INSTANT DOWNLOAD.
✔ How to create a FREE website in minutes that will rank well in Google!
✔ Get a tier 1 listing in our Notary Directory for a whole year FREE ($125): Noble Legal Pros! list all of your services in 1 place & RANK ON GOOGLE!
✔ Start A Notary Signing Service Agency!
🤑 Addition Bonus Training: Make Money Online From Home In All 50 States As A Remote Online Notary!!!
Our Bonus Remote Online Notary Training Will teach You:
- How To Get Started Fast. Best RON Platforms.
- Platforms To Avoid
- How To Market & Scale Your Services On The Cheap!

Mark Sias & Grace Sias
Authors~Entreprenuers~Industry Experts
Amazon #1 Best Selling Authors In Legal Services
PODCAST HOSTS OF "The Notary Ninja Show"

We are Mark Sias & Grace Sias. Founders of Noble Notary & Legal Document Preparers.
Together we built a solid 6-Figure Mobile Notary Service in LESS THAN the first 6-months in business.
We are a married Christian couple that run a prosperous mobile notary & legal service business in the Central Florida area.
Our Notary Signing Service Agency has been processing 100's of transactions per month since launching, and now we want to teach you how to do it as well!
We are also the authors of Amazon/Kindle/Audible best-seller:
"A Golden Pen"
We added additional services that have proven to create even more powerful, positive income streams.
Many have been successfully mentored by us. People from all walks of life, duplicated our
business model and succeeded!
Now it's time to pay it forward...
"The Opportunity Of A Lifetime,
Is Only Good For The Lifetime Of The Opportunity!"
-Leonard Ravenhill
✔ You are all over the place, but just need to be shown where to start
✔ You started but don't know how to grow a notary business further
✔ You want to fast-track your success
✔ You currently have no real process, but just need to be guided
✔ You are leaving money on the table because you don't price your services correctly
✔ You value time and can follow a proven plan
❌You do not value saving time following proven plans
❌ You aren't SERIOUS about your notary entrepreneurship
❌You aren't willing to take instructions and prefer to figure things out on your own with trial, error and hours of YouTube
❌You want to waste time & money making mistakes that someone else already made
❌You think this is "Too good to be true". We don't want your money if that is the case.
❌You'd rather waste tens of thousands of dollars and time on a college degree to learn from some theory spouting professor with no 'Real World' experience.

Can I Really Succeed In This?
Yes! This course will fully equip you for maximum success like nothing you've invested in ever before!
Refer to our guarantees. The only way you loose is, by NOT enrolling TODAY!
How Long Do I Get Access?
How does lifetime access to the course sound? Other programs lock you out after completion. Not only will you have continued access, but this course is alive!
How Long Will It Take Till I Start Making Money?
We built this to a 6- figure income in approximately 3 months. Typically it takes a few weeks to get a notary commission then you are off and running! We anticipate most people will be profitable in 30 days or less! You can implement many strategies we teach such as fingerprinting, legal docs & credit repair immediately.
Our 'Club a Baby Zebra' Guarantee:
We have a 30 day money back unconditional guarantee! If you lost access to this and wouldn't club a zebra to get it back, or... If you aren't satisfied for any reason at all you can ask for your money back in full within 30 days of the purchase.
Our Anti-Guarantee:
After 30 days all sales are final. The proprietary information that access is granted to and is able to be downloaded cannot be unseen or unlearned...and is SO VALUABLE,UNIQUE, LIFE CHANGING, & INNOVATIVE that we don't offer a return after 30-days, however...
Our Unlimited Coaching Guarantee:
IF, after 30 days you haven't found the clarity of information able to meet your expectations, we offer unlimited coaching 1:1 until you reach your desired outcomes!
Our Last Course You'll Ever Need Guarantee:
Most notary courses sellers play on your "shiny object syndrome" need. The promise the latest ;certification' will have jobs coming out of the woodwork for you. It never does...We show you the real deal. marketing, leads, and continual curriculum updates with LIFETIME ACCESS! If you feel you need nother course after this, we will buy it for you!

© 2023 Noble Notary & Legal Document Preparers
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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page and discussed in the Notary Prosperity Academy program are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE THE Notary Prosperity Academy COURSE.